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Liwei L. Hua, Janet Lee, Maria H. Rahmandar, Eric J. Sigel, COMMITTEE ON ADOLESCENCE, COUNCIL ON INJURY, VIOLENCE, AND POISON PREVENTION; Suicide and Suicide Risk in Adolescen...
Artigo da semana
Johan N. Siebert, Coralie Salomon, Ilaria Taddeo, Alain Gervaix, Christophe Combescure, Laurence Lacroix; Outdoor Cold Air Versus Room Temperature Exposure for Croup Symptoms:...
Artigo da semana
Amer, B.E., Abdelwahab, O.A., Abdelaziz, A. et al. Efficacy and safety of isotonic versus hypotonic intravenous maintenance fluids in hospitalized children: an updated systema...
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Sankar, Jhuma MD1; Muralidharan, Jayashree MD2; Lalitha, A. V. MD3; Rameshkumar, Ramachandran MD, DM4; Pathak, Mona PhD5; Das, Rashmi Ranjan MD6; Nadkarni, Vinay M. MD7; Ismai...
Artigo da semana
Pressler, RM, Abend, NS, Auvin, S, Boylan, G, Brigo, F, Cilio, MR, et al. Treatment of seizures in the neonate: Guidelines and consensus-based recommendations—Special report f...
Artigo da semana
Johan N. Siebert, Coralie Salomon, Ilaria Taddeo, Alain Gervaix, Christophe Combescure, Laurence Lacroix; Outdoor Cold Air Versus Room Temperature Exposure for Croup Symptoms:...
Artigo da semana
Hsu B,Bondoc A,Cuenca AG,et al;AAP Committee on Hospital Care, Section on Critical Care, Section on Surgery, Committee on Bioethics. Pediatric Organ Donation and Transplantati...
Artigo da semana
Hall NJ, Sherratt FC, Eaton S, Walker E, Chorozoglou M, Beasant L, Stanton M, Corbett H, Rex D, Hutchings N, Dixon E, Crawley E, Blazeby J, Young B, Reading I.. BMJ Paediatr O...
Artigo da semana
Guideline update - VII - Milk elimination and reintroduction in the diagnostic process of cow's milk allergy. Meyer R, Venter C, Bognanni A, Szajewska H, Shamir R, Nowak-Weg...
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Stephanie P. Gilley, Kylie K. Harrall, Chloe Friedman, Deborah H. Glueck, Catherine C. Cohen, Wei Perng, Katherine A. Sauder, Nancy F. Krebs, Kartik Shankar, Dana Dabelea; Ass...
Artigo da semana
Cooke, Richard MD*; Goulet, Olivier MD, PhD†; Huysentruyt, Koen MD, PhD‡; Joosten, Koen MD, PhD§; Khadilkar, Anuradha Vaman MD∥; Mao, Meng MD¶; Meyer, Rosan PhD#,**; Pre...
Artigo da semana
Bajorski P, Fuji N, Kaur R, Pichichero ME. Window of Susceptibility to Acute Otitis Media Infection. Pediatrics. 2023 Feb 1;151(2):e2022058556. doi: 10.1542/peds.2022-058556. ...
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