Organização: Local Organizer: Fátima Clemente from Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Temática: Comprehensive Care for the Brain of the Newborn Infant
Resumo: Thursday, April 10, 2014 08:00 Welcome and Introduction to IPOKRaTES ASSESSMENT & DEVELOPMENT OF BRAIN FUNCTION 08:30 Monitoring the Brain in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 09:45 The Growing Brain and the Developing Sensory System 10:45 Break 11:15 Neonatal Seizures: Basic Mechanisms of Seizure Induced Damage in the Neonatal Brain 12:15 Lunch Time AVOIDING DAMAGE TO BRAIN 14:00 Hypothermia: Approaches to the Treatment of HIE (Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy) 15:00 Break 15:30 Drug Therapy in Patients on Therapeutic Hypothermia Friday, April 11, 2014 08:30 Pre- and Postnatal Neuroprotection by Drugs 09.30 Neonatal Seizures: a Patient-tailored Approach to Treatment 10:30 Break DRUGS FOR THE BRAIN: ANALGESIA, SEDATION and STIMULATION 11:00 Drugs for Intubation in Neonates and for Analgesia and Sedation in the NICU 12:00 Lunch Time 14:00 Caffeine Therapy in Premature Neonates 15:00 Break 15:30 Post-haemorrhagic Ventricular Dilatation Saturday, April 12, 2014 08:30 Neonatal-onset Epileptic Encephalopathies Emerging Phenotypes and new Insights from Genetics 09:30 Going from System Based Care, to Individualized Developmental Care, for the very low Birth Weight Infant 10:30 Evaluation and then Break 11:15 Individualizing Care for the Infant and his Family; The NIDCAP Model 12:15 Lunch Time 14:00 Brain Development and Anesthesia as IPO-tv - Presentation and Commentary 15:00 End
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